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Luck does not work always. Luck always follows hard work. But, it can not be come alone regarding to my opinion.
Luck does not work always. Luck always follows hard work. But, it can not be come alone regarding to my opinion.

Yes Sita luck follows a hard worker not the people who don't work. :)
Sometimes it also follow the non hard workers too ... That's what luck is.

Sometimes it also follow the non hard workers too ... That's what luck is.

hahaha..but that luck is rare and not many people have that good luck majority of people have to work and are not lucky. :)
your experience is right sarala but in my case i can bet on this that luck hardly favoured me it was always against me. :(

No SJ.. I have many examples where non hard workers gain lot and hard workers are no wherein their comparison...

and i also have so many examples of it.even i myself is an example of this.many a times i saw that people doing wrong are living happily and im having so many problems when i do its luck only that favours them.

The funny thing about luck is that whenever it's against you you complain but when it is in favor we hardly acknowledge that!!
Luck is a like a chance to every one we dont know when it will come.

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Thats why we should keep lot of trust i our hard work and then if luck comes then both luck and hard work combine and give you success. but dont ever wait until luck prefer you.

Actually luck is nothing is but gods grace. If you do something then only his grace will be on you

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

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