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True.. As we can't make any changes to results, better we leave it to God.

but by luck we may get good opportunities....
But it lies in our work to make it fruitful
I believe so

Meera sandhu
Yes i believe in luck and destiny and experienced it too. Sometimes even after working hard and putting all ur efforts we dont get the result , there is something called luck who has the control over us..
Yes i believe in luck and destiny and experienced it too. Sometimes even after working hard and putting all ur efforts we dont get the result , there is something called luck who has the control over us..

Yes absolutely!!!!
i also have many such experiences in my life.....i would like to continue throughout discussion

Meera sandhu
I also believe in luck.But it is not ultimate.Work hard and rest is luck.
I believe on luck but i am against those people who don't work hard to achieve targets and just depend on their luck to get things happened for them. :)
[quote]I believe on luck but i am against those people who don't work hard to achieve targets and just depend on their luck to get things happened for them. [/quote]
Yes,there is no substitute of hard work.
I believe in luck. But I believe more that without hard work luck will never help us. :)

I believe in luck. But I believe more that without hard work luck will never help us. :)

But what can we say about those who selectively studies for exams and gets questions from most of them. Can't we call it luck?
Also, answering multiple choices by guessing.

Meera sandhu
yes that is luck only. One of my friend used to read only one answer for the exam and write the same answer to all the question and he got success marks in the exam

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

I believe in luck. But I believe more that without hard work luck will never help us. :)

But what can we say about those who selectively studies for exams and gets questions from most of them. Can't we call it luck?
Also, answering multiple choices by guessing.

We can call it pure luck.. :laugh: It help us without hard work too... ha ha

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