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If there is love then there will be forgiveness. then life will be more beautiful

I agree the love is like that, it knows to overlook mistakes but there is no use overstretching it.

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The heading says everything..but love can be part of beautiful life as other things together make your life beautiful.
When you are in love, whole nature itself appears beautiful. It's true. :cheer:
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Meera sandhu
When you are in love, whole nature itself appears beautiful. It's true. :cheer:

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When you are in love, whole nature itself appears beautiful. It's true. :cheer:

Power of love!!{CJATTACHMENT ["id": 6283]}
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When you are in love, whole nature itself appears beautiful. It's true. :cheer:

Power of love!!{CJATTACHMENT ["id": 6283]}

I am enough intelligent to catch you again...

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Meera sandhu
Love is life..

If Love is there.. We will enjoy full life..............
It is true that love makes life beautiful but without knowing the meaning and importance of love it does life hell too.It is painful too.
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It is true that love makes life beautiful but without knowing the meaning and importance of love it does life hell too.It is painful too.

Love without pain is curry without salt!!{CJATTACHMENT ["id": 6294]}
It is true that love makes life beautiful but without knowing the meaning and importance of love it does life hell too.It is painful too.

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