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Love is necessary but there are other thing too which makes our life beautiful....
We must practice love in a wider sense that should not only include any particular person. We have to extend it to our surroundings,other beings - our trees,rivers,forests and what not! That would make our life beautiful for all!
Yes Love makes life beautiful this is true with out love there is no relation in the world.

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Yes, love makes life beautiful, I agree. But by listening the word love people think in different way but most of the people think love means it is between a guy and girl. But it is wrong. If we think in good manner then friend ship also is one kind of love which has no selfishness.

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

True love has no compromise.But most of today's love is attraction at first sight.

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Love does not mean that happens i between a boy and a girl only. That is a wide meant subject with different relations possible.

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I can't define love.
Thank you said by: Sandhya Rani
I can't define love.

It's the best definition of love :) :) :)

Meera sandhu
yes, it is a best definition of love.

As love cannot be defined and described because how much we describe or define it will less only.

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

if love is there we cant find the fault of others.
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