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One more thing is important that don't go to bed immediately after meal.

It will cause weight gain. Actually, we should have our dinner before 8 pm, so that we will be awake for a few hours before sleeping. But I don't think at least 1 among our members implement it in his life style :dry:

Meera sandhu
Rayansh.. I have heard about not to skip breakfast.. but dinner too. I guess I always got advice that we should have light dinner.

You are right, this should be light but never skip it. You can skip your lunch in case you want to reduce your weight. But go for salads and juices instead.

But I feel quite relaxed whenever I skip my dinner.. How's that? :huh:

You see there is a big gap in that case in between your last meal and breakfast that will make very bad affect on your intestines and glucose level.

That's sounds fair reason.. Will keep in mind. Thanks for the info.

Nice and useful information about weight loss.

Thanks for sharing.

Be positive
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