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that was a great article to loss weight.
to my knowledge. having food in limited manner is good for health and even weight

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

From my personal view any kind of dieting is not good way to loose weight. It will cause internal weakness. The person who want to loose weight in the proper way then he or she will have to do yoga and meditation daily (for 20 minutes only daily.) Drink more water will also helpful. Last but not least involve in Physical sports like jogging, running or morning walk at least for 3 or 4 days in a week.
For more info visit Whole Body Vibration Exercise | Weight Loss
That is right, one should not skip breakfast and dinner but can go light on lunch.

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Rayansh.. I have heard about not to skip breakfast.. but dinner too. I guess I always got advice that we should have light dinner.

Rayansh.. I have heard about not to skip breakfast.. but dinner too. I guess I always got advice that we should have light dinner.

You are right, this should be light but never skip it. You can skip your lunch in case you want to reduce your weight. But go for salads and juices instead.

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Yes, for me also many people advice to take light dinner. And also advice to dont skip lunch and breakfast. :huh:

Yes, for me also many people advice to take light dinner. And also advice to dont skip lunch and breakfast. :huh:

Breakfast is a must. But at my schooldays and college, most days I skip my break fast. Now only I know its importance

Meera sandhu
Rayansh.. I have heard about not to skip breakfast.. but dinner too. I guess I always got advice that we should have light dinner.

You are right, this should be light but never skip it. You can skip your lunch in case you want to reduce your weight. But go for salads and juices instead.

But I feel quite relaxed whenever I skip my dinner.. How's that? :huh:

Rayansh.. I have heard about not to skip breakfast.. but dinner too. I guess I always got advice that we should have light dinner.

You are right, this should be light but never skip it. You can skip your lunch in case you want to reduce your weight. But go for salads and juices instead.

But I feel quite relaxed whenever I skip my dinner.. How's that? :huh:

You see there is a big gap in that case in between your last meal and breakfast that will make very bad affect on your intestines and glucose level.

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One more thing is important that don't go to bed immediately after meal.
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