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That was a great suggestion to escape from health problem occurring by sitting at same place for more time

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

Sitting for long hours at a particular place really brings trouble for our health, hence proper interval should be taken.
Yes you are right, Only exercise not going to protect from dangerous disease our dietary management also plays an important role in this problem.. Just consume low fat diet..
sitting long time is dangerous . therefore it is good to take a small walk after the sitting of two - three hours.
This explains risk the office goers are subjected to. I also spend more time sitting before computer. This is unavoidable. But we should take breaks in between to reduce the risks mentioned in the article

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

sitting at one place lead to the heart attack because while we sit it stop our blood circulation or effect it.
Long time siting may be injurious to health. We should walk daily at least half an hour.
Sitting is dangerous as you may put on weight and then heart problems and joints pains can start

Friends you all are correct. I want to add one more point together with this. Sitting ideal for a long time can make your back bone curve. Later your back starts paining. Adhere to this, if you continuously consume fast food while sitting on couch or sofa, it can spoil your physical fitness.
Prolonged sitting and prolonged standing both are equally dangerous. Taking frequent breaks is the only remedy.
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