Most people think that if you exercise regularly, it’s okay to remain sedentary for the rest of the day. However, research shows that even if you exercise for an hour a day for five days a week, if you spend 40 hours or more per week sitting (at work and at home watching TV), you are at risk for dangerous diseases. Current research shows that even exercise can’t protect you from the ill effects of sitting too much. The amount of time you exercise and the amount of time you spend sitting are completely separate factors in risk for heart disease.
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Sitting in a place for along time is found to increase the heart diseases.
Yes, sitting for long hours can put on your weight, and our body needs exercise to stay healthy

WE need to allocate our time judicially to work and rest. Break is necessary after every one hour of work. Even taking a break of fifteen minutes after one or two hours of work will do.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

Sitting for long hours is found to increase weight and it not good for your health.

Be positive
sitting is dangerous for health and may cause many diseases.It may get heavy weight due to this you may attack many more diseases.

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Working out daily keeps you fit and cuts fats contained in our body.Blood pressure becomes normal and as a result it reduces the risk of heart attack.

Arise Awake and Rest Not till the Goal is Achieved.
If you are not in correct posture long sitting will trouble you in future.

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nice information thanks for providing informative article . now i will also start to follow it.
Sitting at the same place for more time causes many health problems. tummy increases, leg pains and blood circulation.

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

I feel that sitting for long time is not really possible as your body will feel uncomfortable after sometime. However moving after every 15min is good thought.
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