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Anna Hajare has said that he never intended to blackmail. But who said this?
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G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

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Let us not make the person appear bigger than his cause! He might have just acted as a catalyst! Nothing more nothing less. In India giving a pedestal to a person is an old,sick habit!
Now fast is over, and finally Anna Hazare won, By great support from all the indain..:P :P :P
The campaign by Hazare has become more emotionally charged and not on sound footing. Here are some links to substantiate this. Hazare has also retorted on a remark by Swami Ramdev about composition of the panel including father and son namely Shanti Bhushan and son. Hazare rightly says that panel needs experts and not just individuals.

As regards rooting out of corruptuion, fact remains that most of us are corrupt. All either give or receive bribe for personal convenience. Mere financial give and take does not matter so much although poor are adversely affected. The most adverse affects of corruption are menifested in adulteration of food articles, medicines, bad quality bridges etc. Apart from bringing mechanism for probe in corruption, we need to build national character. This is possible by convincing the people about ill affects of corruption on entire society. Corruption benefits all individually and harms all socially and collectively. Individual profit is more visible than collective harm.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

Thank you gulshan ji for the news and so many links

Thank you said by: Gulshan Kumar Ajmani
Anna Hazare has emerged as second Gandhi to children. The current generation in India has seen Mahatma Gandhi only in images. Children saw image of Gandhi in Hazare. He also succeeded in his mission. There were lot of celebrations.

The people hailed Hazare. Let them also fulfill the mission by resolving not to indulge in corruption in any way. By paying only lip sympathy, the movement will be short lived and utter failure.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

Hazare threatens to agitate again if Lok Pal Bill is not passed by 15th august while asserting that he does not blackmail. The minister faithfully obeys him and sssures early action to prepare the bill.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

Apparently, Hazare is no democrat and he seeks only personal glory. The real or sipposed peoples' support has gone to his head. He expects that nobody will express any independent views on his mission.

Kapil sibal and Kumaraswamy made some pragmatic comments. Kapil Sibal simply said that Lok Pal Bill cannot fulfuiill all objects. This infuriated the Gandhi Avatar Hazare. It is ridiculous that Hazare wants to suspend peoples' and even ministers and politicians right of independent expression. Who can disagree that there are already independent institutions like C & A.G., C.B.I., judiciary etc and corruption not eradicated. Lok pal will be just another authority and he will also function with aid of bureaucrats only. A group of self styled Gandhians and Kher brand jubiliant fans cannot deliver goods.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

Please his methods are not simillar to those of maoists.He has not done anything to harm innocnet people.

Even if he is getting personal glory he deserves every bit of it.Didnt Gandhi get any personal glory?
Please his methods are not similar to those of Maoists.He has not done anything to harm innocnet people.

Even if he is getting personal glory he deserves every bit of it.Didn't Gandhi get any personal glory?

What is common between Hazare and Maoists. Both believe in non parliamentary methods. Maoists kill others and the neo Gandhians blackmail by resorting to fast unto death. Both are unlawful. Killing others as well suicide (fast unto death) are both unlawful.

Hazare's intolerable attitude to certain comments by kapil sibal and others clearly show that he does not respect individual' right of expression of thoughts.

His recent support of Gujarat C.M. shows that he is partisan and not free from party politics.

There is another link between him and Maoists. according to Tarun Vijay of the RSS, Hazare has nominated Maoists to the Lok Pal panel.

His demand for video graphing proceedings of Lokpal panel is very ridiculous. The deliberations of a panel to draft a legal bill is not like a cricket match that may be video graphed or live telecast.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

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