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The latest news is that the suspected culprit has been arrested in Mumbai.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

It is reported that the killer is a psychopath. He used to follow girls. The girl had insulted him and even beat him on road. This led to killing.

It is astonishing that such facts come to light only after the sad event. If he is actually a psychopath, his parents/ guardians should be responsible for his treatment and checking him so as to safeguard public life and property.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

First an eve teaser kills a girl. He is psychopath. Now another person stabbed his parents for not helping him commence business. He is also psychopath. It appears that most criminals in Delhi claim to be psychopath. If it is really true, Government need to create more facilities of psychopathy treatment in NCR.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

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