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Kavitha that is the question which is haunting parents and all ..the evidences are not seriously taken initially and many suspected people have to undergo lie detector test too..
Initally the police were very careless and CBI took the charges but now they also couldnt find the culprit.
This case is particularly tragic and the Talwar family was made to go through hell to get justice! Initially the police charged the parents with murder and arrested them!!
January 21 st is nearing.Hope there will be a good turn on this case.

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chinmoymukherjee wrote:
[quote]This case is particularly tragic and the Talwar family was made to go through hell to get justice! Initially the police charged the parents with murder and arrested them!![/quote]

The police and CBI had no malice towards Talwar. The circumstantial evidence indicates involvement of Talwars in the killing of their daughter. There are so many 'Honor' killings of daughters in Haryana and West U.P. The C.B.I. still holds that Talwars are guilty but they do not have enough evidence for prosecuting them. The U.P. Police who investigated in early phase are blamed for tampering/ removal of evidence.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

It's not the question of malice the investigative agencies are supposed to make use of their professional expertise in cracking a case.These are also not the authrities to pronounce guilty or innocent.The very fact that CBI has sought closure of the case shows its own cluelessness.If there was tampering of evidence who was behind it and why separate prosecution has not been sought for it!
chinmoymukherjee wrote:
[quote]It's not the question of malice the investigative agencies are supposed to make use of their professional expertise in cracking a case.These are also not the authorities to pronounce guilty or innocent.The very fact that CBI has sought closure of the case shows its own cluelessness.If there was tampering of evidence who was behind it and why separate prosecution has not been sought for it![/quote]

It was considered necessary by CBI to interrogate Talwar as circumstantial evidence made him suspicious. Undoubtedly, CBI has not been able to procure sufficient evidence in the case and so filed closure case. It is not always possible to get success. C.B.I. has not pronounced any one guilty. But the report filed by CBI was leaked to media. This needs investigation. The authorities leaking the information are more guilty than media. As the initial investigation was carried out by U.P. police, tampering with evidence is an issue concerning U.P. Police more than C.B.I. The evidences had been tampered with or destroyed before C.B.I. took over the case.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

It passes my comprehension whether it's the realm of CBI or U.P.police what stopped it from establishing a case of tampering and further pursue it!And if the parents of Aarushi were as suspected involved in what's being called as'honor killing',how could they approach Supreme Court against the closure of the case??
I too agree with chinmoy's statement..that if her parents wer involved they would have not approached supreme court further..
Today it was reported by Rajesh Talwar that his hotmail account has been hacked.All mail transactions with the CBI is via this account only.
Thanks Rajani! I have been following the developments of this case with great interest and I can tell you the police made a complete mess of this case by declaring and claiming success on the very next day and if I remember correctly a senior police officer was removed from his post for his ineptitude.As the case involves the parents and their only daughter, one must treat this tragic case with utmost sensivity before arriving at any conclusion!
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