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This is the first time I heard about various marriages.Great to know about it.

Sharmistha Banerjee
There are four types of marriages: monogamy, polygyny (polygymy), polyandry, and group marriage. Monogamy is one wife, one husband. Polygyny is one husband, several wives. Polyandry is one wife, several husbands. Group marriage is by far the rarest and has never been the prevailing form of marriage in any known society.

I dont know if you would call it group marriage but in some sections of our society a girl married in a family is common wife of all members of all male members. The reasons are strange but not unreal, by the way the area where Hastinapur was supposed to be situated around NCR area.
And if you think that group marriage means that everyone in the group is married to everyone else in the group; can be described as "poly polygamous" but can not be called polygamy really

Group marriage would be one including a number of males and females who are all spouses to every one in the group. Actually, such form is not usual. This could be at dawn of civilization when entire tribe would a joint family unit- all males and females being spouses of entire group and children common to whole tribe. Now there is group sex or orgy but not group marriage.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

There are four types of marriages: monogamy, polygyny (polygymy), polyandry, and group marriage. Monogamy is one wife, one husband. Polygyny is one husband, several wives. Polyandry is one wife, several husbands. Group marriage is by far the rarest and has never been the prevailing form of marriage in any known society.

Iam also hearing it for the first time..
These may be the different types of marriage but we don't see such types in our society. It was in ancient times when King used to have several queens but hardly it is seen today moreover the group marriage to I have not seen anywhere yet but everything is possible. :blink:

In some tribes this types of marriages are common even now. I think Shaiks still follow one husband several wives policy.. :laugh: I also heard about some weird rules of marriages in some places in India especially kerala.. :P I hope Sandhya may know it. :)
These may be the different types of marriage but we don't see such types in our society. It was in ancient times when King used to have several queens but hardly it is seen today moreover the group marriage to I have not seen anywhere yet but everything is possible. :blink:

In some tribes this types of marriages are common even now. I think Shaiks still follow one husband several wives policy.. :laugh: I also heard about some weird rules of marriages in some places in India especially kerala.. :P I hope Sandhya may know it. :)

Each region has its own set of marriage rules, customs and rituals. What marriage practices we know are those which came into limelight. There are more than many which did not see the light prevailing in the remotest corners of this country.
Grateful to know about it,.
Grateful to know about it,.

Please write only if you have really something to say. Just saying- Grateful, this is good etc. are not appropriate. such posts may be deleted without any notice.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

I never hear about the types of marriage. This is First time to know about the types of marriages. I also know about the love and arrange marriage
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