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Those pictures are actually a drawing !!!!! Unbelievable!! They all look just like real photos..

That's the first thing that came to my mind too. How real they are! Has anyone tried copying them, I mean as an artist? Has any budding artists tried to draw the same as this photo?

I have done many times. My Pencil drawings are not as realistic as this, but , it s not difficult. question of time
I am admired at this picture. I just can't even imagine how these pictures can be drawn. Unbelievable. MY appreciations to that dedicated artist. I wish him a long life!

Born to express, not to impress.
Is this photo hand made with only using charcoal pencil.But it just look like a photo taken with the help of any good camera.

Sharmistha Banerjee
Is this photo hand made with only using charcoal pencil.But it just look like a photo taken with the help of any good camera.

That's the greatness of pencil. Other media of painting cannot produce such realistic paintings as easily as with pencil.
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