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I fear lizards, spiders and heights. This is just natural.

Yes this is natural as I too feel scared of reptiles. :)

I can't stand nearby a lizard may be it does not look good,crocodiles,snakes are all very bad to look at. I wonder how people make snakes pet. :evil:

i fear millipedes and centipedes a lot :ohmy: :ohmy:

I fear Tigresses who move amidst us

has she taken an account in Boddunan most recently? ;)

Meera sandhu
I too don't like lizards and i fear a lot, specially in night, when you don't see anything.

Want to make each day Accountable

I too don't like lizards and i fear a lot, specially in night, when you don't see anything.

:laugh: :laugh:
really funny answer, i can't stop laughing :laugh: :laugh: :woohoo: :woohoo:
in darkness, a boy of 23 years fearing lizards.....and thinking, it may fall on my body :woohoo: :woohoo: :laugh: :laugh:

Meera sandhu
I fear lizards, spiders and heights. This is just natural.

Yes this is natural as I too feel scared of reptiles. :)

I can't stand nearby a lizard may be it does not look good,crocodiles,snakes are all very bad to look at. I wonder how people make snakes pet. :evil:

i fear millipedes and centipedes a lot :ohmy: :ohmy:

I fear Tigresses who move amidst us

has she taken an account in Boddunan most recently? ;)

Let her not. If she's here, ..... oh,,,,, beyond my imagination, what a terror she creates.
I fear lizards, spiders and heights. This is just natural.

Yes this is natural as I too feel scared of reptiles. :)

I can't stand nearby a lizard may be it does not look good,crocodiles,snakes are all very bad to look at. I wonder how people make snakes pet. :evil:

i fear millipedes and centipedes a lot :ohmy: :ohmy:

I fear Tigresses who move amidst us

has she taken an account in Boddunan most recently? ;)

Let her not. If she's here, ..... oh,,,,, beyond my imagination, what a terror she creates.

the real fear :woohoo: :woohoo: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
let me ask her, what nick name you own ;)

Meera sandhu
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