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Thank yOU Kalyani, Gulshan ji and Robert !

I am very much overwhelmed !

Swetha, You should be because you owe us a party now!! :) :laugh: :laugh: He he he, but yes, we are really very very proud of you. Also could you maybe provide a link to that nominees list because its unreadable here!!

"I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally."
- W. C. Fields :)

Thank yOU Kalyani, Gulshan ji and Robert !

I am very much overwhelmed !

Swetha, You should be because you owe us a party now!! :) :laugh: :laugh: He he he, but yes, we are really very very proud of you. Also could you maybe provide a link to that nominees list because its unreadable here!!

Yes sure, I will give you party after i get the party from the Company CEO :D i have attached clearer images now!

hehehe :) so wats up kalyani, you know, when i saw "Pune" i thought to just come over to your place :) ha ha

Swetha Shenoy
Thank yOU Kalyani, Gulshan ji and Robert !

I am very much overwhelmed !

Could you please let me know what are the effective measures have been dealing with which made this happen?


We have been working in Rural areas by providing drinking water treatment plants and making sure the rural people get safe and clean drinking water. so far we have established these drinking water plants in 600 rural villages.

You can know more about this in our website here-

I have also written an article about this here which was approved by Kalyani - Community Water Center

Swetha Shenoy
Thank yOU Kalyani, Gulshan ji and Robert !

I am very much overwhelmed !

Swetha, You should be because you owe us a party now!! :) :laugh: :laugh: He he he, but yes, we are really very very proud of you. Also could you maybe provide a link to that nominees list because its unreadable here!!

Yes sure, I will give you party after i get the party from the Company CEO :D i have attached clearer images now!

hehehe :) so wats up kalyani, you know, when i saw "Pune" i thought to just come over to your place :) ha ha

Any time Sweetie!!! :) Whenever there is a chance for you to visit Pune, don't skip it! You are welcome to stay in my humble abode any time!! :) :)

"I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally."
- W. C. Fields :)

Warm congratulation to you and your company. This is a great achievement and I hope many success of you and your company.
Thank you Mary and Thank you Ram ji

Wats up?

Swetha Shenoy
OK. I will go through that article Swetha Madam. I'm happy to know that you're working on drinking water in rural area. It is much appreciated.

I want to serve the society be some means. Could you please let me if you know the ways how I can serve the society.

Born to express, not to impress.
Swetha, this shows your dedication, hard work, sincerity, honesty and effort. Its really inspiring. Hearty congratulation and all the best

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

Swetha, this shows your dedication, hard work, sincerity, honesty and effort. Its really inspiring. Hearty congratulation and all the best

Sarala Madam, When are you going to achieve in Information Technology Field?

Born to express, not to impress.
Hearty Congratulations Swetha.

Done great job.

All the best.

Be positive
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