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Congratulation Swetha. This is a great achievement of your sincerity and hard work.

Now i am seriously considering to nominate boddunan for awards

since i already have experience in documentation of most of the awards, may be it is time we even get some awards

any suggestions anyone?

Swetha Shenoy
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Smaat has won ASDF 2012"Best Industry CEO" Award on December 29th 2012 at Pondicherry

Now we got an award from MSME "Best outstanding entrepreneurship" which will be given away by the president of India in the month of April


Hearty congratulations Swetha ji! I wish you & your concern win many awards in the days to some! Keep Rocking!

Born to express, not to impress.
Many Many Congratulations Swetha.for Awards.

Keep it up.Good dedication and hard work.

All the best.

Be positive
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Smaat has won ASDF 2012"Best Industry CEO" Award on December 29th 2012 at Pondicherry

Now we got an award from MSME "Best outstanding entrepreneurship" which will be given away by the president of India in the month of April


Congratulations Swetha, that is indeed an achievement ! :)

Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!

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