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I watched few of them but could not find the reason to call these buildings ugly. Maybe I missed some thing.

Even I could not find the reason why they are called ugly buildings they are all looking beautiful and amazing. :blink:
I have seen many people to built their dream house. It is small but beautiful and presentable.
With all that money at their disposal people go and mess it up when it comes to good taste and the best example is Mukesh Ambani's Antalia , what a horror his home is and now the rumor is that he and his family dont stay there but use it only for entertaining... :ohmy: after spending crores and crores on it...

This is what second and later generation do. First generation of industrialists are more responsible and careful with propriety and simplicity. The subsequent generations inherit business and wealth and do not care.

I suppose so, things are too easy for them and there is no need for hard work...In fact there is a saying in our community that the second and third generation of a wealthy person successfully goes through any amount of wealth instead of adding on..

Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!

Some building in the listings are nice for my view. Some only ugly.
Why these buildings are called ugly-I can not understand, Some of them are very nice looking.
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