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12 years ago
Actually both are happy when they are unmarried. Both becomes sad when they get married and have children.
I am not accept your opinion. I am much happier after my marriage only. Because my husband is loving and caring comparing to my parents, brothers and sisters.
May be because you two are staying separately......you at Tamil Nadu and he at Indian borders :P :P :P
So, does being together give more relations to quarrel? What do you think? :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :cheer: :cheer: :laugh: :laugh:
But she never said she is not happy with her husband! Where did you get this information from???
she says, she is more happy after marriage....so it's sure, her hubby makes her happy :evil:
Meera sandhu
12 years ago
It is difficult to say that who is happier.If seen from man's eye they will think that women are happier and if seen from women's eye men are happier.I think both are happier in their sense.
Sharmistha Banerjee
12 years ago
Yes its true that woman are more happier because, boys will get more tensed about their office work easily where as woman will think to solve it she have more patience.
12 years ago
Actually both are happy when they are unmarried. Both becomes sad when they get married and have children.
Not necessary if there is good understanding between the husband and wife marriage becomes the reason for their happiness. Its just the thinking of people that after marriage their life becomes miserable. :evil:
12 years ago
Actually married women have more responsibilities than a unmarried girl. so, it may give her tensions and stress
Meera sandhu
12 years ago
Actually married women have more responsibilities than a unmarried girl. so, it may give her tensions and stress
Not only women unmarried men also don't have responsibilities but any how some day they have to take it they cannot run from it. :)
12 years ago
Actually, married life gives more responsibilities....that's why couples often blame each other
Meera sandhu
12 years ago
Actually, married life gives more responsibilities....that's why couples often blame each other
Blame for what? I never blamed my wife for anything never she did it for me. :laugh:
12 years ago
Actually both are happy when they are unmarried. Both becomes sad when they get married and have children.
Not necessary if there is good understanding between the husband and wife marriage becomes the reason for their happiness. Its just the thinking of people that after marriage their life becomes miserable. :evil:
Even I would go with your views. No doubt the responsibilities increases after marriage but you also get someone to share those responsibilities. And having an understanding spouse is suppose to relieve one from all tension. Moreover, stress and tension is not related to the marital status of a person. I mean, the nature and reason of the stress might differ but everybody whether married or single sometimes does suffer from it.
12 years ago
Actually, married life gives more responsibilities....that's why couples often blame each other
Blaming each other makes quarrel. Don't blame actually responsibilities are on both.So we should face jointly to any situation.
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