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@Shwetha - I never knew you could cook so well as to start a restaurant. I plan to learn cooking as well. Care to teach?

Sandhya you can be my teacher too. I would love to learn from two of the best cooks.

Then go through my recipes here.
i will be happy if at least 1 member is benefited by my hard work :woohoo:

Meera sandhu
yo ho....

Arun you are here?

Wow happy to see you!!!!!!

Well, yes I know few dishes and sandhya will be the Chef de cuisine and I will be the Sous-chef....

hehe yes, we can imagine our intellectual talks and our day would go much smoother with the support of all the wonderful people we have

so Arun, how are you and how are things with you?

Swetha Shenoy
I sure will. Next month cooking would be the new skill I would learn so I plan on cooking a new dish everyday. Your recipes would certainly come in handy.

I just hope they taste atleast half as good as you make them.
Thank you said by: Sandhya Rani
Shwetha, It would certainly be happy to have you as my neighbor. Imagine the amazing conversations and discussions we could have. I would also like kalyani, sandhya and ceem to join. It would make for an unforgettable memory.

Why can't you all join me and swetha at 'White Sunset' near a lake side of alappuzha. We can catch some fish(Karimeen) from that lake and make some special.

Why can't we start our restaurant in a small boat?
How do you feel?
At 'Sandhya' time, we can have a chat watching the setting sun and enjoying the small waves of that lake and we shall together row that tiny boat to some unknown destiny!!!! We can play an Antakshari also!!!!

Oh no, am turning to a poet!!!! :woohoo:

Meera sandhu

You are witty my dear Arun!

Well, to begin with, you can read my article on few basics before you can step on to a kitchen and here is the link

Swetha Shenoy
I sure will. Next month cooking would be the new skill I would learn so I plan on cooking a new dish everyday. Your recipes would certainly come in handy.

I just hope they taste atleast half as good as you make them.

You can make them 100% perfect if you have patience.... :cheer:

Meera sandhu



So our 'white sunset' is going to be specialised in Sea food,is it :)

By the way i am a zero in sea food cooking, so i will take care of the management aspects...

Swetha Shenoy
yo ho....

Arun you are here?

Wow happy to see you!!!!!!

Well, yes I know few dishes and sandhya will be the Chef de cuisine and I will be the Sous-chef....

hehe yes, we can imagine our intellectual talks and our day would go much smoother with the support of all the wonderful people we have

so Arun, how are you and how are things with you?

Yes, I am here. I keep checking the forums time to time. And I am so so glad to see you finally. Missed you on the forums.

And honestly you two would make a great team. You should go ahead with the idea.

I can imagine all of our conversations being epic and to be honest I would have to steal some of your intellect to match your level (Later don't tell me you were not informed ;))

And I am doing good and things are going great. Started with a couple of new projects so just busy with them for the moment. You tell me how are things with you?

You are witty my dear Arun!

Well, to begin with, you can read my article on few basics before you can step on to a kitchen and here is the link

Me and witty, naaaaa....I am just trying to copy you ;)

And I am printing that article out so that I can buy all the necessary spices you mention in the article. Also you are right, have to get over Maggi.
Oh, yes I have guessed it too

But you know, if you were my neighbour; we would have constructed a tree room and keep our meetings there and name our team as the Boddunan secret five

Consisting of Arun,Swetha,Sandhya,Chinmoyji and Kalyani ...hahahah

Sure, you dont have to steal our ideas, would gladly share them with everyone!!!!

Swetha Shenoy
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