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Ban on Burqua in bangladesh Hospitals, this is an wonderful decision of Bangladesh Govt. Burkha is everybody has to honor,but relaxation (exemption) in hospitals is very appreciated thing.

Bangladesh Govt.image will increased and people will accepts with cheerful movement.
Babu- Now the Bangladesh High Court has also ruled that women teachers and employees cannot be compelled to wear Burqua.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

Although Burqua cannot be enforced on unwiiliing women, it is also not proper to compel them not to wear this. The Ferench Government is definitely working against the rights of minority who chose their form of dress.
The belgium Government tried to introduce law against wearing of Burqua but has been defeated. Women can neither be compelled to wear nor compelled not to wear Burqua. It is their choice, that must be respected.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

Yes... This brings right freedom in women who doesn't want to wear a burqua. Nice decision.

Thanks 'n' Regards,
I think comment on this matter is not good. They will resolve their problem in his own ways.

Santosh Kumar Singh


Santosh- Burqua is becoming an international issue. Mostly Muslim women wear this. With prominently Muslim countries, this is no issue. They will resolve their problem. Correctly stated.

However, the problem is more in Britain, France and other European countries. In France, they intend to restrict Muslim women from wearing Burqua in public. Although, I do not favour Burqua, the Muslim have the right to manage their affairs. It is not proper for the European Governments to ban Burqua in public places. They may only restrict it for employed women.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

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