Bangladesh Government has shown right way by insisting that women employees in hospitals not wear Burqua (veil) during hospital hours. If they wear this in journey, they should change to hospital dress on reporting attendance,

This is indeed a welcome step. while veil is okay, this is n ot proper while on duty. What are users' comments.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

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Ever since Hasina Wazid became Prime Minister of Bangladesh thing are really changing for the better in Bangladesh which was fast becoming a paradise for terrorism and anti-India activities.It is a very progressive move and desrves a lot of praise.
Burqa is a dress of modesty in Islam.But it may be replaced by any other dress provided it covers all the body of woman.
Burqa is definitely nice. But in work places, it is necessary to wear dress appropriate to job or the uniform. The Bangladesh Govt. even allowed the women to wear Burqua while going to hospital and after returning. But while on duty, they must wear uniform.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

I also support the Burqa as a dress.Every job will have a dress code.So if it is not vulgar it may be accepted.

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Abid- The uniform at work places is seldom vulgar. The vulgarity is in casual dresses worn by people by following the film stars and models. Any dress fairly covering the body and not revealing sensuous body parts is welcome. Burqua worn by Muslim women when not in office is okay.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

gulshan kumar ajmani wrote:
[quote]Abid- The uniform at work places is seldom vulgar. The vulgarity is in casual dresses worn by people by following the film stars and models. Any dress fairly covering the body and not revealing sensuous body parts is welcome. Burqua worn by Muslim women when not in office is okay.[/quote]

Why it is not okay in office?
Good question anbul- When some uniform or dress code is prescribed in offices, there is no option and Burqua cannot be worn there. But if no particular dress is prescribed, Burqua may interfere with work. It will be difficult to properly handle customers, clients and colleagues.
I understand that women do not wear burqua in their home. Office is also like home and colleagues are just family members. so Burqua in office is not appropriate.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

religious matter - no comments
no comments plz........
The Bangladesh High Court has ruled that women workers in schools and colleges cannot be compelled to wear Burqua as this will be violation of Human rights. A college teacher was reprimanded for not wearing Burqua. The High court ruled that she could not be compelled to wear the Burqua.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

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