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Different countries have different policies .Americans also should follow the policies according to their habitat .
Different countries have different policies .Americans also should follow the policies according to their habitat .

The international norms are- Respect sovereignty of all nations, observe peaceful coexistence between different forms of government and ideology, non interference in internal affairs of other nations.

U.S.A. and the camp followers are do not follow this and hence there is trouble.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

China growth in terms of economic, nuclear, military and industrial sectors has been alarmingly accelerated in the past couple of decades and that now threatens to upturn USA as the sole military superpower in the world. Recently USA had to take huge loans from China, this is what frightens USA now!

"I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally."
- W. C. Fields :)

To my humble opinion US hegemony has not been good for the world.And this century holds too many uncomfortable truths for Uncle Sam!
Even america also fear about china.China planned to damage every country financially.

china only wants the world to accept their superiority. they have got the best weapons in the world and recently you might remember obama taking a tough stand against china...

It is more the American and their allies fearing their loss of superiority. Superiority comes from hard work and good management. Superiority is attained and this cannot be demanded or others requested to accept this.

America definitely fears china....and i agree the management in china is good.that management was accepted due to the communist rule out there..only country whee a communist rule was successful is indeed china....
Different countries have different policies .Americans also should follow the policies according to their habitat .

The international norms are- Respect sovereignty of all nations, observe peaceful coexistence between different forms of government and ideology, non interference in internal affairs of other nations.

U.S.A. and the camp followers are do not follow this and hence there is trouble.

those are the international norms ...but no country follows it....if than there would have never been spies...Russia has spies do America...china is hacking other countries government accounts..Pakistan also have a cyber army...
chinese is a developing country in there military forces america jelous about it.
Days are not far off when Uncle Sam would have to shed its superiority complex!
Thank you said by: Gulshan Kumar Ajmani
they are almost doing it now.america is losing their superiority in many fields.china has developed their own model of development .it is a far cry from the capitalist theory of america.
As china is going in to a super power than america.So they are not satisfies with their policy.

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