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america is supporting pakistan as a nation that will keep china and india in check, the aids given to pakistan by america is purely due to this.
That equation is proving to be a thing of the past! Now America wants to drop Pakistan like a hot potato!!
right..recent incidents suggest that...but Pakistan has been receiving aids from china too. and recently china too has announced in public that any attack on Pakistan would be treated as an attack on china itself..
China has discovered in Pakistan a good source to nettle India!
so chineese policy and america policy are similar in the case of checking indian growth.i wonder what the indian counter policy is...
The foreign policy of any country is determined by its present interest and applying that America gains very little by destablizing India!
I think not only americans every country will unsatisfy with other countries policy.

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The foreign policy of any country is dictated by what it perceives to be supreme national interest.
The foreign policy of any country is determined by its present interest and applying that America gains very little by destablizing India!

that seems too crude...America has 2 satellites constantly monitoring indian activities. America has a base in the indian ocean with fully armed weapons angled at india.and also America has bases in Pakistan- india border. if America gains very little by destabilizing india...why all this..?
America is a fully planed country they dont want to have any harm from other country.

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