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Although it is hard but if we know the fact that if we add 'D' in anger it becomes 'Danger' , every one of us know that anger is no good for us and we can control it. I try to look deep inside myself and find that reason of anger is within me and try to rectify it. Whenever I succeed overcoming my mistakes, I find that my anger is gone otherwise I drink a few glasses of water and the anger within me reduces to great extent, at lest it reduce tension. Anger is danger in my age :laugh:

I had heard a lot about water therapy. But this is the first time that I am hearing that water can be used in such a way to control anger. That's quite amusing to me as well as informative.

Even smoking a cigarette or taking a chocolate would do the same. What you need is to divert your mind. Even if you go on a short walk, anger will vanish.

:laugh: I would never smoke a cigarette to control my anger.. who knows I may need something else to control smoking... :laugh: :laugh: Just can't stop laughing...
I read this great book at a very young age - may be at 13 or 14. I chanced upon it in my brother's collections and was very impressed. Actually what happens is that anger itself is not an acquired trait, rather a genetic attribute. It appears in a flash and be it Dale Carnegie's advise or that of any other , at that particular point nothing comes to the mind. We just live to regret our action at a later point.
There is a book called 'Peaks and Valleys' written by Spencer Johnson which is really good in bringing out the positive qualities within you . ...I have read a few other books as well ...With all that ,w hen you are angry you are angry and I am as human as anyone else ! But I normally never get angry with my children (touch wood) at least until now...arguments yes ! but no anger ...

Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!

I know of so many persons who, in their normal state, are more than angelic! But once that trigger comes, you can expect any thing and every thing!!! :S :S :S
There is a book called 'Peaks and Valleys' written by Spencer Johnson which is really good in bringing out the positive qualities within you . ...I have read a few other books as well ...With all that ,w hen you are angry you are angry and I am as human as anyone else ! But I normally never get angry with my children (touch wood) at least until now...arguments yes ! but no anger ...

Everyone will say yes to an argument as long as they are constructive and something positive comes out of it. Me and my father have hundreds (just exaggerating a bit too much :lol: ) of arguments daily on the current topics that we speak here too. But that's a time when we advocate ourselves and there's nothing wrong in it.
I read this great book at a very young age - may be at 13 or 14. I chanced upon it in my brother's collections and was very impressed. Actually what happens is that anger itself is not an acquired trait, rather a genetic attribute. It appears in a flash and be it Dale Carnegie's advise or that of any other , at that particular point nothing comes to the mind. We just live to regret our action at a later point.

True and that is the trait of Anger. To make you say and done what shouldn't be done at that time. My personal experience is to keep silence.. Thats the best solution...

Life is a box of Chocolate, You never know what you gonna get.... :)
Although it is hard but if we know the fact that if we add 'D' in anger it becomes 'Danger' , every one of us know that anger is no good for us and we can control it. I try to look deep inside myself and find that reason of anger is within me and try to rectify it. Whenever I succeed overcoming my mistakes, I find that my anger is gone otherwise I drink a few glasses of water and the anger within me reduces to great extent, at lest it reduce tension. Anger is danger in my age :laugh:

I had heard a lot about water therapy. But this is the first time that I am hearing that water can be used in such a way to control anger. That's quite amusing to me as well as informative.

Even smoking a cigarette or taking a chocolate would do the same. What you need is to divert your mind. Even if you go on a short walk, anger will vanish.

Yes getting out of the scene is the best way to reduce anger especially that of wife's when she is in fowl mood. That even helps save our heads if she decided to throw rolling pins etc at us.

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Although it is hard but if we know the fact that if we add 'D' in anger it becomes 'Danger' , every one of us know that anger is no good for us and we can control it. I try to look deep inside myself and find that reason of anger is within me and try to rectify it. Whenever I succeed overcoming my mistakes, I find that my anger is gone otherwise I drink a few glasses of water and the anger within me reduces to great extent, at lest it reduce tension. Anger is danger in my age :laugh:

I had heard a lot about water therapy. But this is the first time that I am hearing that water can be used in such a way to control anger. That's quite amusing to me as well as informative.

Even smoking a cigarette or taking a chocolate would do the same. What you need is to divert your mind. Even if you go on a short walk, anger will vanish.

Yes getting out of the scene is the best way to reduce anger especially that of wife's when she is in fowl mood. That even helps save our heads if she decided to throw rolling pins etc at us.

My brother-in-law shares the same thoughts as that of you. And that has even helped my sister. She too has learnt to control anger and these positive things help the entire family.
Although it is hard but if we know the fact that if we add 'D' in anger it becomes 'Danger' , every one of us know that anger is no good for us and we can control it. I try to look deep inside myself and find that reason of anger is within me and try to rectify it. Whenever I succeed overcoming my mistakes, I find that my anger is gone otherwise I drink a few glasses of water and the anger within me reduces to great extent, at lest it reduce tension. Anger is danger in my age :laugh:

I had heard a lot about water therapy. But this is the first time that I am hearing that water can be used in such a way to control anger. That's quite amusing to me as well as informative.

Even smoking a cigarette or taking a chocolate would do the same. What you need is to divert your mind. Even if you go on a short walk, anger will vanish.

Yes getting out of the scene is the best way to reduce anger especially that of wife's when she is in fowl mood. That even helps save our heads if she decided to throw rolling pins etc at us.

My brother-in-law shares the same thoughts as that of you. And that has even helped my sister. She too has learnt to control anger and these positive things help the entire family.

Great, they must be saving a lot on medical bills. :woohoo:

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Although it is hard but if we know the fact that if we add 'D' in anger it becomes 'Danger' , every one of us know that anger is no good for us and we can control it. I try to look deep inside myself and find that reason of anger is within me and try to rectify it. Whenever I succeed overcoming my mistakes, I find that my anger is gone otherwise I drink a few glasses of water and the anger within me reduces to great extent, at lest it reduce tension. Anger is danger in my age :laugh:

I had heard a lot about water therapy. But this is the first time that I am hearing that water can be used in such a way to control anger. That's quite amusing to me as well as informative.

Even smoking a cigarette or taking a chocolate would do the same. What you need is to divert your mind. Even if you go on a short walk, anger will vanish.

Yes getting out of the scene is the best way to reduce anger especially that of wife's when she is in fowl mood. That even helps save our heads if she decided to throw rolling pins etc at us.
Suppression of anger and stress can lead to sever illness in the long run like neurotic and heart diseases.

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