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This one grew all on its own one summer and produced beautiful purple flowers and came back every year, I have this growing in my container for the last 4 years. I have looked through many websites related to plants and flowers info. but have not been able to find it! Can anyone identify this?

{CJATTACHMENT ["id": 8779]}

Kalyani, ever since you posted this thread I have been trying to respond and then left a message in your inbox and for the moderator to see what was wrong here...This is a wild flower , am not sure what the name is.It grows in my garden too, suddenly comes up - I guess it is seasonal because it disappears for a while and then grows again.I have a feeling it has tubers and thats how it is able to grow back again.When it is filled filled with flowers it looks very pretty...Just now it is not growing since it is monsoon, it comes after the rains sometime in January...will post a picture then ..
The plant and flower in your pot looks very healthy ! :)

Your profile picture and Kalyani's flower are matching, although in colour :cheer:

Meera sandhu
The color is the same but it is a different kind of flower , also a wild flower that just comes up ....
One more wild flower that comes up in my garden from time to time....I took this picture the last time it flowered..They all seem to have the same color :)

{CJATTACHMENT ["id": 8780]}

Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!

I once had a similar plant at home. It looks exactly the same, both leaves and flowers. Most surprising fact is that both its leaves and flowers have the sweet aroma of well-ripened pine apple. I have seen the same plant at my daughter's school garden also.
If it is so, then I can ask that nursery to give you the name of the plant. At present, I don't know its name.
First, let us check if both the plants are same. :P

By the way I have deleted my post in this thread that carried your message because you can communicate directly now. Give her the name now.

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I once had a similar plant at home. It looks exactly the same, both leaves and flowers. Most surprising fact is that both its leaves and flowers have the sweet aroma of well-ripened pine apple. I have seen the same plant at my daughter's school garden also.
If it is so, then I can ask that nursery to give you the name of the plant. At present, I don't know its name.
First, let us check if both the plants are same. :P

By the way I have deleted my post in this thread that carried your message because you can communicate directly now. Give her the name now.

But where has she gone :silly: ?
She even didn't wait for our replies :cheer: :laugh: :laugh:
First let her confirm if it has pineapple smell. Otherwise, why should I take so much effort? :cheer:

Meera sandhu
check out this website and tell me is it the same flower, here is the link-

Though I find the flower similar I think the one in the website has narrow leaves. :dry:

Thanks for the link Asha, but I had looked at it too. Only the color of flowers is same, it is not the same one though!

Can you be a little more specific about the height of the plant and size of the leaves etc. Did you get the plant in India or brought the seeds from some where else?

Sunil, it came one year all on its own, the seeds must have got in my container through wind I guess! The height of the plant grows upto about 2.5 to 3 ft if I let it grow unchecked!

"I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally."
- W. C. Fields :)

I once had a similar plant at home. It looks exactly the same, both leaves and flowers. Most surprising fact is that both its leaves and flowers have the sweet aroma of well-ripened pine apple. I have seen the same plant at my daughter's school garden also.
If it is so, then I can ask that nursery to give you the name of the plant. At present, I don't know its name.
First, let us check if both the plants are same. :P

No Sandhya, the flowers do not have any kind of smell, although the leaves have a quite peculiar smell that is common to most wild flowers!

"I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally."
- W. C. Fields :)

This one grew all on its own one summer and produced beautiful purple flowers and came back every year, I have this growing in my container for the last 4 years. I have looked through many websites related to plants and flowers info. but have not been able to find it! Can anyone identify this?

{CJATTACHMENT ["id": 8779]}

Kalyani, ever since you posted this thread I have been trying to respond and then left a message in your inbox and for the moderator to see what was wrong here...This is a wild flower , am not sure what the name is.It grows in my garden too, suddenly comes up - I guess it is seasonal because it disappears for a while and then grows again.I have a feeling it has tubers and thats how it is able to grow back again.When it is filled filled with flowers it looks very pretty...Just now it is not growing since it is monsoon, it comes after the rains sometime in January...will post a picture then ..
The plant and flower in your pot looks very healthy ! :)

Usha, this is indeed a wild flower of some sort and every years it comes back again. Once when I repotted the original plant in the container, I actually cleaned and sifted the soil and thought this plant won't come back. But guess what, next summer it was back in all its glory!! I actually have come to love this one and now I let it grow nicely. But it hasn't got tuners at all, I checked!

Sorry about the PM to you and Sandhya, We had a power outage due to some work going on nearby and hence wasn't able to check!!

"I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally."
- W. C. Fields :)

This one grew all on its own one summer and produced beautiful purple flowers and came back every year, I have this growing in my container for the last 4 years. I have looked through many websites related to plants and flowers info. but have not been able to find it! Can anyone identify this?

{CJATTACHMENT ["id": 8779]}

Kalyani, ever since you posted this thread I have been trying to respond and then left a message in your inbox and for the moderator to see what was wrong here...This is a wild flower , am not sure what the name is.It grows in my garden too, suddenly comes up - I guess it is seasonal because it disappears for a while and then grows again.I have a feeling it has tubers and thats how it is able to grow back again.When it is filled filled with flowers it looks very pretty...Just now it is not growing since it is monsoon, it comes after the rains sometime in January...will post a picture then ..
The plant and flower in your pot looks very healthy ! :)

Usha, this is indeed a wild flower of some sort and every years it comes back again. Once when I repotted the original plant in the container, I actually cleaned and sifted the soil and thought this plant won't come back. But guess what, next summer it was back in all its glory!! I actually have come to love this one and now I let it grow nicely. But it hasn't got tuners at all, I checked!

Sorry about the PM to you and Sandhya, We had a power outage due to some work going on nearby and hence wasn't able to check!!

Yes in fact I too checked , it grows roots on its stem and spreads all over the place and in my garden it grows wild and we keep pulling parts of it since it tends to occupy the entire open space obstructing other plants.But when it flowers it is indeed a very beautiful sight ...

Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!

check out this website and tell me is it the same flower, here is the link-

Though I find the flower similar I think the one in the website has narrow leaves. :dry:

Thanks for the link Asha, but I had looked at it too. Only the color of flowers is same, it is not the same one though!

Can you be a little more specific about the height of the plant and size of the leaves etc. Did you get the plant in India or brought the seeds from some where else?

If you can post some more pictures, that can be more informative to us. Like the stem of the plant is not visible here.

Asha, the foliage is very thick hence the stem cannot be photographed from any angle, but it is quite like most perennials.
Here are two more photos of it, as you can see, the top of the stem where it produces buds, the leaves have formed a lovely crown like shape around the flower, much like a leafy flower itself.

{CJATTACHMENT ["id": 8781]}

{CJATTACHMENT ["id": 8782]}

"I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally."
- W. C. Fields :)

check out this website and tell me is it the same flower, here is the link-

Though I find the flower similar I think the one in the website has narrow leaves. :dry:

Thanks for the link Asha, but I had looked at it too. Only the color of flowers is same, it is not the same one though!

Can you be a little more specific about the height of the plant and size of the leaves etc. Did you get the plant in India or brought the seeds from some where else?

If you can post some more pictures, that can be more informative to us. Like the stem of the plant is not visible here.

Asha, the foliage is very thick hence the stem cannot be photographed from any angle, but it is quite like most perennials.
Here are two more photos of it, as you can see, the top of the stem where it produces buds, the leaves have formed a lovely crown like shape around the flower, much like a leafy flower itself.

{CJATTACHMENT ["id": 8781]}

{CJATTACHMENT ["id": 8782]}

They are lovely kalayani, all the plants look so lush and healthy...I think weather makes a lot of difference, here we get to see the plants looking their best during rains but no flowers come out because there is no sun...

Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!

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