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13 years ago
YA there is common of 2 or 3 hour late in sunset in our countries.
13 years ago
yes, there will be alot of variation in sun rise and sun set from country to country
Yet 3 hours less for America :unsure: :unsure: :unsure:
If so how many hours will Americans sleep? Will they sleep till 9 am????
Meera sandhu
13 years ago
U.S.A. is a very vast country. So, there will be big difference of sun rise and sun set timing all over the country. There are different time zones in U.S.A. whereas in India there is only one time i.e. Indian standard Time.
In our country also sun sets early in North East. Hence office staff leave office early though they attend office even before time in the morning as sun rises earlier.
In our country also sun sets early in North East. Hence office staff leave office early though they attend office even before time in the morning as sun rises earlier.
G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant
13 years ago
MAy be because if they work for longer period they also sleep for longer time.
13 years ago
U.S.A. is a very vast country. So, there will be big difference of sun rise and sun set timing all over the country. There are different time zones in U.S.A. whereas in India there is only one time i.e. Indian standard Time.
In our country also sun sets early in North East. Hence office staff leave office early though they attend office even before time in the morning as sun rises earlier.
yet I want to know.....how much time do they get for nights??? Are their nights short?
Meera sandhu
13 years ago
U.S.A. is a very vast country. So, there will be big difference of sun rise and sun set timing all over the country. There are different time zones in U.S.A. whereas in India there is only one time i.e. Indian standard Time.
In our country also sun sets early in North East. Hence office staff leave office early though they attend office even before time in the morning as sun rises earlier.
yet I want to know.....how much time do they get for nights??? Are their nights short?
I think Usa have 9 type of time zone and it is difficult to locate each of them. :) :)
13 years ago
U.S.A. is a very vast country. So, there will be big difference of sun rise and sun set timing all over the country. There are different time zones in U.S.A. whereas in India there is only one time i.e. Indian standard Time.
In our country also sun sets early in North East. Hence office staff leave office early though they attend office even before time in the morning as sun rises earlier.
yet I want to know.....how much time do they get for nights??? Are their nights short?
Nights are not short. Only sun rise and sun set both are earlier than rest of country. The problem is that we follow the same time schedule based on Indian standard Tine. The local staff adjust their office hours according to local conditions. So, they attend office early and also leave early.
G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant
13 years ago
Yesterday when my husband told me, from one of his customers he came to know that sun sets in America at 9 pm and that nights are short........I just can't believe it. Is it true? :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo:
If so how many hours will Americans sleep? Will they sleep till 9 am??
I also want to know such 'setting sandhya' matters if you know any :whistle: :whistle: :whistle:
Of course it happens in summer.Even in Europe during summer months which is now the sun sets at about 10 in the night and in Norway after mid night. In fact Norway is called the land of the mid night sun...
Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!
13 years ago
Of course it happens in summer.Even in Europe during summer months which is now the sun sets at about 10 in the night and in Norway after mid night. In fact Norway is called the land of the mid night sun...
Am feeling interesting!!! :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo:
Can you say a few more words?
Meera sandhu
13 years ago
Sandhya different countries have different timing for sun raise and sun sets. But some countries like Africa, there sun does not raise only. everytime cool climate
I have lived in Nigeria,Africa for 6 months and the climate there is really cool. Sun rises quickly and also sets very quickly at 5:30 pm. There in Nigeria there is rainfall for 10 months.
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