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13 years ago
Friends, There is no special story. once my teacher told me that april fool came as it is the new year starting for some other country where most of the people are fools. So the people who ever try to fool on that day is fool themselves.
Slow and Steady Wins the Race.
13 years ago
Friends, There is no special story. once my teacher told me that april fool came as it is the new year starting for some other country where most of the people are fools. So the people who ever try to fool on that day is fool themselves.
Oh my but 1st April is new year for all. :laugh:
This is start of a new financial year. :laugh:
13 years ago
HE he.. And 1st april is my birthdate too.. My starting day.... HA HA
ANDROIOS: http://androios-tweaks.blogspot.com
13 years ago
:( sarala did you meant that im a fool because i try to make people fool every year.. :( :( :( :(
13 years ago
Ha ha.. In that case mostly all are busy as most of the people do that on 1st April.. And I should be the leader.. HA HA
ANDROIOS: http://androios-tweaks.blogspot.com
13 years ago
Ha ha.. In that case mostly all are busy as most of the people do that on 1st April.. And I should be the leader.. HA HA
So dou you think that you are king of fools but you will have to prove it. :woohoo:
13 years ago
ok means you are "SARDAR" of all of them.but that story is wrong.actually that teacher was befooling sarala. :) :laugh:
13 years ago
What a person you are? I understand you want to make all the members as April fools.
13 years ago
Ha ha.. In that case mostly all are busy as most of the people do that on 1st April.. And I should be the leader.. HA HA
So dou you think that you are king of fools but you will have to prove it. :woohoo:
I am saying that because I born on that date... :laugh:
ANDROIOS: http://androios-tweaks.blogspot.com
13 years ago
It does not prve anything.You are lucky and you made all fool on that day.
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