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13 years ago
I think the last Asia cup also fixed as they made to come bangladesh in to final.
Its really sad to see that players just play for money :evil: these days and they don't realise it that in urge of earning money they just play with emotiions of million of people of the nation. :evil: :sick: :evil:
13 years ago
Yes they love money not game. Play game and earn money this is the concept they wont think about the emotions of people.
Earn money just for joining in this site.
13 years ago
Sarala what is that story will you tell us. :) :)
April fool tradition began in 1582. There was change in calendar. Many either did not know about change or refused to accept this. So, they observed new year day on April one as usual. They were ridiculed and called April fool.
I request that all should write in a thread only relevant posts. This thread is about April Fool but many posts are about IPL. This is confusing.
G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant
13 years ago
Ha ha.. Yes.. but I just ignore those fixing and used to see game like they are not fixed.. I can not stop my interest.. ha ha
ANDROIOS: http://androios-tweaks.blogspot.com
13 years ago
thank you gulshan ji for telling us story behind april fool otherwise we were fooling ourselves waiting for a story from sarala like a small kid do..
13 years ago
Sarala what is that story will you tell us. :) :)
April fool tradition began in 1582. There was change in calendar. Many either did not know about change or refused to accept this. So, they observed new year day on April one as usual. They were ridiculed and called April fool.
I request that all should write in a thread only relevant posts. This thread is about April Fool but many posts are about IPL. This is confusing.
Thanks for the link.. And sorry for those irrelevant posts.. will keep that in mind..
Good to know about there is some story behind it.
ANDROIOS: http://androios-tweaks.blogspot.com
13 years ago
and yes you are right we should stick to the topic of the thread we should not discuss IPL here.
13 years ago
Gulshan ji, thanks for the story about april fool. I really doesn't know this story before. great.. :cheer:
13 years ago
So its an old tradition which we are still following it sine more than 600 years. :woohoo:
13 years ago
Yes and we will keep following them for many more years too.
ANDROIOS: http://androios-tweaks.blogspot.com
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