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13 years ago
Thanks, yes purchasing without planning and just for the sake of show-off is not in our interest. This may look good for the time being but turns our budget in bad shape.
13 years ago
Buying Branded product mostly clothes is just a waste of money as their cost is very high..............
13 years ago
You are right I also avoid branded unless no absolutely must. There are few items in clothes where we have to trust in branded only.
13 years ago
It does not mean that Branded Product has higher reliability..They only take money because they manufacture it in a big Industries....They add all their expenditure on every piece........
13 years ago
It depends on products.I prefer branded electronics items.
Sometimes, Buying Branded product mostly clothes is just a waste of money.
Sometimes, Buying Branded product mostly clothes is just a waste of money.
Be positive
13 years ago
Yes wasting money on branded clothes is just a fool activity.I too prefer Branded Electronic good.
13 years ago
We are not a such rich people to buy that branded products even normal products is enough for us.
Earn money just for joining in this site.
13 years ago
Buying Branded product mostly clothes is just a waste of money as their cost is very high..............
Why waste of money? :unsure:
There is money saving as branded clothes are more durable and have better quality. :)
13 years ago
Wearing Branded clothes is not matter.The matter is that what clothes suit you most........................
13 years ago
Wearing Branded clothes is not matter.The matter is that what clothes suit you most........................
So now you changed your statement. :laugh:
That is right one must select clothes as per his/her personality. :)
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