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13 years ago
Ya according to situation everyone changed..............
13 years ago
Ya according to situation everyone changed..............
But the question is still the same so no need to change it. :woohoo:
13 years ago
Ya no need to change but what we suit that only we buy................
13 years ago
This is no good to change fro your own stand. Once you have said some thing stay on your statement.
13 years ago
Not normally ! I buy what I like .However, it is better to go in for branded products while buying things like hand bag and footwear and a few other accessories...
Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!
13 years ago
Not normally ! I buy what I like .However, it is better to go in for branded products while buying things like hand bag and footwear and a few other accessories...
As expected, most of the newer generation go fr branded but we still find the old shopping style according to our liking. They have no time for go for problems related with old style shopping. But that is fun, really.
13 years ago
Nowadays people mostly use branded products than others. They feel branded product is very safe to use. :cheer: :)
13 years ago
Yes I agree new generation is more used to branded where as we the older generation go our traditional way.
13 years ago
Not normally ! I buy what I like .However, it is better to go in for branded products while buying things like hand bag and footwear and a few other accessories...
As expected, most of the newer generation go fr branded but we still find the old shopping style according to our liking. They have no time for go for problems related with old style shopping. But that is fun, really.
That reminds me of an incident that happened a few days back.I had gone out shopping with a friend who wanted to buy some tea shirts for her daughter who is in the university.We found really nice ones in a smallish shop , but my friend wanted to check with her daughter first before buying it.The daughter first asked what brand it was and asked her mother not to buy from any small shop.. :huh: :dry:
Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!
13 years ago
Actually youngsters are more attracted to ads than elder ones. isn't it?
Meera sandhu
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