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13 years ago
I am repeating....
Never edit even a single word...better you submit another copy. If it is a picture inserted article, it will be distorted most :cheer:
I came to know about it yesterday when i tried to edit one of my article and later on found that i am unable to insert images again at the same place but could only insert pictures at the corners. :)
Is it so Sandhya? :)
13 years ago
I am repeating....
Never edit even a single word...better you submit another copy. If it is a picture inserted article, it will be distorted most :cheer:
I came to know about it yesterday when i tried to edit one of my article and later on found that i am unable to insert images again at the same place but could only insert pictures at the corners. :)
Is it so Sandhya? :)
No you must click the place where you want to insert your image before clicking insert button. That is the first thing you should do before loading a picture.
13 years ago
I am repeating....
Never edit even a single word...better you submit another copy. If it is a picture inserted article, it will be distorted most :cheer:
I came to know about it yesterday when i tried to edit one of my article and later on found that i am unable to insert images again at the same place but could only insert pictures at the corners. :)
Is it so Sandhya? :)
Yes, you submit it again. Admin will find the best one and get it published
Meera sandhu
13 years ago
Is it so Sandhya? :)[/quote]
Yes, you submit it again. Admin will find the best one and get it published[/quote]
I got one approved today that contains photographs of animals I took at different locations. I am planning a one with photos of Laksha Dweep.
Yes, you submit it again. Admin will find the best one and get it published[/quote]
I got one approved today that contains photographs of animals I took at different locations. I am planning a one with photos of Laksha Dweep.
13 years ago
Laksha Dweep is a nice place to visit.Let us wait to see some good photographic.
13 years ago
After posting more than 2 articles some times while posting the third article there may be a message comes instead of image insertion window. the message will restricted to insert. In such case, you have to fresh or reload the page then you can insert the image. or else how many times you try to click on the image icon without reloading the page there is no use. the same message appears
Slow and Steady Wins the Race.
13 years ago
I think the administration should come out with fresh guidelines on the use of photos in articles. My simple question is: Are we free to use photos from free resources? It's absolutely necessary as undue possessivenes or obsession for copyrights and all that on the part of any member should not create an anamolous situation.
Thank you said by: Sandhya Rani
13 years ago
AS administration must give us some guidelines or they must provide us images websites which are free so there wont be any problem here.
Earn money just for joining in this site.
Thank you said by: vinodh
13 years ago
AS administration must give us some guidelines or they must provide us images websites which are free so there wont be any problem here.
yes sasi, i like it. Its really a good idea.. :cheer:
13 years ago
With out images articles wont look good so please provide images or free websites so that members wont feel problem.
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