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13 years ago
SJ..I have added photos in all my 3 pending articles.. There is blue button on RICH TEXT BOX during submitting.. Just press it and you will get the uploading option..
Upload image and then press insert and okay.. Done..
But I guess we can't upload image in our content when we try to edit our already submitted article.. As during edit mode we don't get RICH TEXT BOX..
Oh....no....have you edited your already submitted article? :angry: :angry: :angry:
It is better you submit it once again
admin will find the best one and get it published...
my friend.....never edit any article in this site....not even change an alphabet.....better you submit another copy of same article after correcting mistakes
Meera sandhu
13 years ago
Yes.. I tried to edit my first article after posting.. And whatever decoration I made , all got disabled.. It was became like just the normal article.. even image removed...
But somehow I manage to rearrange it(not like previously).. and it already got approved.. (not yet published)
After that, I haven't touch that editing button with my other two articles.
But somehow I manage to rearrange it(not like previously).. and it already got approved.. (not yet published)
After that, I haven't touch that editing button with my other two articles.
ANDROIOS: http://androios-tweaks.blogspot.com
13 years ago
Your uploaded picture will shown in picture box with name . If it is not inserted then just back and re-insert and it will be inserted.
13 years ago
{CJATTACHMENT ["id": 6078]}
Sandhya i am not getting this tool bar on the screen while submitting articles. :(
13 years ago
Yes.. I tried to edit my first article after posting.. And whatever decoration I made , all got disabled.. It was became like just the normal article.. even image removed...
But somehow I manage to rearrange it(not like previously).. and it already got approved.. (not yet published)
After that, I haven't touch that editing button with my other two articles.
If you have to edit in future the only way is to discard it totally and start it allover again. And certainly onece saved, no way you can do it.
13 years ago
Yes.. I tried to edit my first article after posting.. And whatever decoration I made , all got disabled.. It was became like just the normal article.. even image removed...
But somehow I manage to rearrange it(not like previously).. and it already got approved.. (not yet published)
After that, I haven't touch that editing button with my other two articles.
If you have to edit in future the only way is to discard it totally and start it allover again. And certainly onece saved, no way you can do it.
Got it.. I came to know about it when I opened edit mode.. I better see all the things before submitting so it never need for edit.
ANDROIOS: http://androios-tweaks.blogspot.com
13 years ago
But somehow I manage to rearrange it(not like previously).. and it already got approved.. (not yet published)
After that, I haven't touch that editing button with my other two articles.[/quote]
If you have to edit in future the only way is to discard it totally and start it allover again. And certainly onece saved, no way you can do it.[/quote]
Got it.. I came to know about it when I opened edit mode.. I better see all the things before submitting so it never need for edit.[/quote]
That is very good to check every thing before commencing or finishing any thing. I like it.
After that, I haven't touch that editing button with my other two articles.[/quote]
If you have to edit in future the only way is to discard it totally and start it allover again. And certainly onece saved, no way you can do it.[/quote]
Got it.. I came to know about it when I opened edit mode.. I better see all the things before submitting so it never need for edit.[/quote]
That is very good to check every thing before commencing or finishing any thing. I like it.
13 years ago
Yes.. On my first article I missed something and tried to edit it.. when I open edit mode there wasn't rich text mode and all bold fonts became normal again... and also image gone. And there were no option to redo that....
So I guess it is the best to check everything before submitting the article.
So I guess it is the best to check everything before submitting the article.
ANDROIOS: http://androios-tweaks.blogspot.com
13 years ago
Sanjay....what about your image insertion????? :evil: :evil: :evil:
Meera sandhu
13 years ago
Sandhya I think he had published his first article I think I had seen it in the article section.
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