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Thanks Ronark for your assistance.I am also using free version of it.
Antivirus is very much essential.Virus enters both via internet and portable devices like pen drives.Most of the virus are actually easily removed by almost all antivirus programs.Only the tough one need good antivirus but the chance of infections with such high risk virus is very less in basic home use.So install an antivirus.
Best free antivirus is AVAST.Install it and register free.Avast is enough to protect against the virus threat we come across daily.I have used avast for a very long time and it prevented many attacks successfully.
If you think your system is already infected, what i recommend is that install a Trial version of paid antivirus (NOD32) and do a deep scan.Later uninstall and install avast.
Thanks friends, im using Kaspersky trail version. and my PC gets infecting by many virus. now im thinking to clean it off. so, i got a clear picture now, im going to buy quick heal with license.

yes antivirus is need by every one who is using PC, If there is no antivirus your PC on one fine day will be in risk

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

Antivirus is very much important for a PC.

Pls advise what about the Free version of AVAST as it also has a separate registration for all individuals.!!!

Is is safe to use this antivirus?

Every computer should use antivirus. Quick heal is the best anti virus

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

Vinodh itis best to buy the anti virus it will be cheap dont download free antivirus as they may contain virus also.

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Yes antivirus is very essential for computer without it it may harm your computer too.Use AVG antivirus.
I am using Avast Antivirus from 10 months. Its really a good Anti-virus.

Want to make each day Accountable

i too using avast for last few months. i feel its good. there is no virus in my system now.

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