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Friends I hope you remember what I have written in earlier forums, - "We all are here on Earth to commit crime and get punishment in return from God for our deeds." According to me, death be it natural or unnatural, is nothing but a kind of punishment. Death is the extreme limit which can relief us from our human form. Many sagas and philosophers have explained "moksha"; as the end of all sins and leaving the human body by death forever.
I think target of death is new birth but we do not what we will be in next birth so determine exact target is impossible.

The plain fact is that physical body is deteriorated by constant use and time lapse like inanimate assets and so must expire. There is no question of any object of this. If 'new birth' is object, this cannot be decided by any person himself. This is too abstract and hypothetical. Let us plain facts as these appear.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

Yes you are right I am agree with Gulshan ji and Devyani. I hope for more reply to get more clear answer.

Santosh Kumar Singh


The target of death is to re-leave the human from pain

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

Soul never die so after death only soul left in the world so target of death is freeing of sould from body.

Santosh Kumar Singh


I think target of death is new birth but we do not what we will be in next birth so determine exact target is impossible.

The plain fact is that physical body is deteriorated by constant use and time lapse like inanimate assets and so must expire. There is no question of any object of this. If 'new birth' is object, this cannot be decided by any person himself. This is too abstract and hypothetical. Let us plain facts as these appear.

Yeah, a 'new birth' is an abstract concept. Anyway, life itself is an abstract thing. We don't know how it evolves or how it evolved for the first time as a complex form. The thing is people believe in afterlife because they believe whatever they do in this world matters. I do believe in a life after death, because it;s more easier for me to believe that God created humans for a purpose rather than believing that humans evolved due to an uncountable amount of 'accidental' chemical reactions! That;s my views
The target of death is leaving the old body and to start a new life with new body.

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well said sasikanth. If god is impressed with our faith in him then he will let us to be with him or he will give us a birth as human also

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

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