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13 years ago
Sleeping till 11 means it is really bad. because waking lately disturbs whole day. you wake at 11. you get fresh and all it may take 12 . So at that time you cannot have breakfast or lunch. whole day you will feel lazy and sleepy. You may not get sleep early at night.
This is okay for most people. But some have night duty and late shifts. They need to adjust their sleeping hours accordingly.
G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant
13 years ago
Time and day or night does not matter on sleeping the matter is person should take at least 7 hours sleep.
Santosh Kumar Singh
13 years ago
No it is not good for health early to bed early to awake makes health in a good condition.
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13 years ago
human body needs to sleep the number of hours in which it can relax properly and remove the tired.
13 years ago
it depends on your work you do ,if you have night shifts you have to sleep . but if not it is not gud for health to sleep till 11 am minimum 8 hours of sleep is needed.
13 years ago
@ Gulshanji
Am talking about normal people. Not about night duty people. night duty people should adjust their sleeping timings.
Am talking about normal people. Not about night duty people. night duty people should adjust their sleeping timings.
Slow and Steady Wins the Race.
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