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14 years ago
You can get enough knowledge if we use it for the knowledge purpose.
Want to make each day Accountable
14 years ago
Its an advantage because it helps to know a number of facts.
Its a disadvantage because it makes us addicted and disturbs normal life.
Its a disadvantage because it makes us addicted and disturbs normal life.
14 years ago
There are so many advantages of watching T.V.
We increase our knowledge, new information. Discovery and animal planet channel always increase our unbelievable knowledge. Because of T.V. we are very close to the World.
Main disadvantage is, it makes us addicted. So, pl. do not addict it.
We increase our knowledge, new information. Discovery and animal planet channel always increase our unbelievable knowledge. Because of T.V. we are very close to the World.
Main disadvantage is, it makes us addicted. So, pl. do not addict it.
Be positive
14 years ago
There are more disadvantages than advantages.
WE use tv for time pass. but the ads and some of the serials are really vulgar which gives more impact on children.
The main disadvantage is the children adict to pogo and cartoon channel which spoil their mind.
Advantages : It will be some entertainment and we can know about world through news
WE use tv for time pass. but the ads and some of the serials are really vulgar which gives more impact on children.
The main disadvantage is the children adict to pogo and cartoon channel which spoil their mind.
Advantages : It will be some entertainment and we can know about world through news
Slow and Steady Wins the Race.
13 years ago
tv is great invention of our world it has advantage like it always provide better information it entertain to us but people become nit habituated of it.
13 years ago
i think the advantages of tv are clearly more than the disadvantages
13 years ago
Most of the things that we use today has advantages and disadvantages too and hence much depends how we end up using it. If we use it in limit and watch is for sometime it surely not going to effect us but if we watch it for long hours then surely we are asking for trouble both physically and mentally....
13 years ago
TV is a good source of information and entertainment. This is okay as long as you view the TV for limited period. Sitting for longer hours will put you to risk of bad health. This will also make you lazy as mere watching TV is a passive exercise. As these days, many TV channels just go on repeating a particular news round the corner and also repeat the same views, you may also be brainwashed and lose all power of independent thought.
G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant
13 years ago
There are many advantages and disadvantages at the same time,
News and educational channels like discovery good, other serials are useless
News and educational channels like discovery good, other serials are useless
13 years ago
There are many advantages and disadvantages of T V.The question is how will you take it.
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