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Can't do with the stray dogs. Pets can be given affection and their problems can be understood and resolved.

Arise Awake and Rest Not till the Goal is Achieved.
Dogs Barks to express there emotion and is most not stoppable. We have to find some alternative to avoid the distrubance. :dry:
As one member says it is the way and only means a do emotes and we have to read their mood and react accordingly! I know one case where the unusual barking of a street dog which initially irritated the sleeping people of a locality was actually its notice to the resident of a entry of a few dacoits in the area!And its bark prevented it!!!
It is their nature to bark and we cannot stop them from doing so. Better to understand this.
Feed the dog at regular intervals, dog would not bark, and if dog is suspicious about something wrong then would bark

Let us not be oversensitive to a dog's bark, we humans create enough noise to have this sound pollution!
Whenever you see it,smile and put some biscuits,it will never bite you.
just like human can';t be stopped to talk so as dogs cannot be stopped to barking . but you can keep busy them by giving them food.
By spliting the biscuits on them they will stop barking.

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We should look of after dogs like they should not fear of anything then they stop barking.
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Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

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