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solar energy is very important energy most village drpend on this emergy.
Even during days when it is not available we can arrange to store this energy when it is available in plenty!
Solar energy is the best form of energy and it is pollution free and it can well be transformed into other forms of energy....
any member of the city is right is known as citizenship.
Yes absolutely solar energy is the best form of energy but in rainy days there is no possibility to get this type of energy...
I wrote an article on pollution and petrol and stated to use solar vehicles so that we can be free from pollution as well as petrol usage
Now realization is dawning upon all and in every part of the world that the age of fossil fuel is nearing its end and solar energy is one of the vital options for the world!
Yes, I 100% agree with this. Sun is the best form of energy. Sun is the natural source.

Be positive
I think our government instead of looking to West to buy second-hand Nuclear reactors spending a few thousand crores should concentrate on making solar products more popular by offering more subsidies and all!
Completely agree. Technology companies are constantly looking for ways to improve cell efficiency and to reduce cost. Besides being the cleanest form of energy, solar is also the most abundant.
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