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I could not make out your point! I have to depend on my friends for creative pursuits!!
Creativity is a talent which is got by birth.May beitcan be developed by discussing with others.
Yes, it's possible to develop it further through brainstorming and exchanges with bright minds!
The good practical thinking and analytic will make good creativity....
Changing one's outlook and thinking and developing expertise will adds on creativity or develops creativity....
creativity can be developed by alot of thinking and new views in our mind

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

The creativity totally behind the positive thinking and resources......
Follow the following ones.

Commit yourself to developing your creativity.

Become an expert.

Reward your curiosity.

Realize that creativity is sometimes its own reward.

Be willing to take risks.

Build your confidence.

Fight your fear of failure.

Brainstorm to inspire new ideas.

Earn money just for joining in this site.

A very nice picture I found today that is related to creativity. Calvin and Hobbes are my favorite cartoon characters! :)

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"I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally."
- W. C. Fields :)

Creativity is something that one is born with but by thinking out of the box and by constant practice and application, can be achieved to some degree. Perseverance, patience and keeping an open mind are the essential prerequisites, without which it is a fruitless effort!

This is the best explanation. It includes what is creativity and how it is developed?
I want to add some more points. Continuous reading manuals. magazines, books etc. can enhance the honour of creativity. If you are in touch with elderly experienced people, you gain more knowledge. If you work with them or discuss with them, your mind develops more faster. This also helps in creativity. Brain development is more important for creativity to take place.
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