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15 years ago
This is a command, message or request and cannot be explained in a single word... You need to have at least a couple of words together to express a feeling.
Any ways how are the following words?
1. relentless
2. persistent
3. unyielding
4. unremitting
5. inexorable
6. insistent
7. unrelenting
8. ruthless
Any ways how are the following words?
1. relentless
2. persistent
3. unyielding
4. unremitting
5. inexorable
6. insistent
7. unrelenting
8. ruthless
Harish Jharia
15 years ago
Persistent appears to give closes meaning to the phrsase- Never give up.
G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant
15 years ago
Hello kings4u,
Now here is the right time for you to come out with the right answer.
- Harish Jharia
Now here is the right time for you to come out with the right answer.
- Harish Jharia
Harish Jharia
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