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United we stand,divided we fall.....after all the states we have,now another separate state...division of resources,new legislation requirements,new transportation plans,new construction sites....everything gets divided...guess its a good opportunity for scammers to fill their pockets.This is not for the people's betterment.


Congress M.P. raised the issue in Budget session of parliament

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

Students and police clash during Telangana bandh

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

BJP also is fishing in troubled water. They demanded separate Telangana legislation in current parliamentary session.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

The pot is on the boil again on Telengana issue and the Congress-led government has messed it up!
In hyderabad most of the schools were declared off today. The situation is getting worse in hyderabad.
Andhra Assembly again disrupted over Telangana issue.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

I dont think this telegana issue is going to do any good for society and state..the MP's and other people who are doing this hunger stikes and destruction should understand it..
I also think that in assembly their behavious was very rude and doing such acts proves that animals are better than them.
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