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Yes, Even i completely agree with Abid's comments stated above in his comments
[quote]Friendship, same gender or opposite gender- is not permanent. We cannot ensure permanent relations between married couples. Friendship is based on mutual feeling and interests and proximity in terms of time, circumstances and place. Friendship is essentially a matter of common interests and like or dislikes. Hence a boy or girl may be friend but they may not always remain friends owing to circumstances like moving to different place, change in attitude or interests or interests in new friends etc. Also, there is no need to remain friends permanently. What is necessary is that there must be no bitterness even when friendship ends or fades. This is true about any type of friendship. [/quote]

I fully agree with Gulshan's views! Respect and understanding irrespective if gender differences is necessary for a friendship!

"I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally."
- W. C. Fields :)

Girl and boy can definately remain as friends, only they should be mature enough.....
There are several factors which go into making friendship and whenever we meet at a point sharing some common values,perceptions and interests there takes birth a relationship which may be called a friendship and it length or duration also depends on a host of situations!
I agree with Gulshan's opinion and what Abid said is also true that they are confused ..

I also want to add that they are confused in knowing every relations due to lack of interaction as previously in olden days people used to interact occasionally and now-a-days we are not getting change to meet which will make us feel friend is everything and why not life partner...There is no harm in getting married to friend but the problem is the word friendship is loosing its significance. And also opposite gender is always treated in different way by society which can also be another reason..
I truly agree with what Gulshan and Rajani stated.Good explanation!!! :) :)
After rejection, girl don't won't to be a friend . Its a cycle which awares her that again friendship will gives rise to loveship which she has rejected.

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Actually the friendship when get hard turn into 'relationship' which is dangerous.That is why the society do not agree to this.

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