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That's very true! He hails from a very poor family that makes it all the more difficult to come out of this vicious cycle!
Yes Chinmoy, it is a vicious cycle indeed ! also the job that he has had to everyday is less than desirable, probably to make it easier to work is why he started consuming alcohol in the first place. In India, since there are no proper facilities or gadgets to make cleaning up sewage etc easy, it is a common enough practice of the sweepers and others in this profession to consume alcohol. It dulls their senses and they are able to do their dirty jobs!

"I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally."
- W. C. Fields :)

I think in the case of this boy he might have taken to it in a fit of curiosity then embraced it to escape from his merciless world!
Parents should play a key role in bringing up a child.Just providing them with hi-fi amenities alone is not enough.Spending ample time with them,trying to understand their problems and concerns are also very important. :(
Our teenagers start from simple gettogethers and lead it to mega parties.Parents should care all this while giving pocket money also.

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A really serious problem indeed....Parents do need to interfere into their childrens day to day issue, need to have conversations with them daily, needs to give them time and attention....
Parental control over their wards seems to be slackening these days!
Parents are thinking about the needs of their children.But children spent them for needles !!!

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This is a very disturbing news. Apparently, the problem is with children of wealthy parents who have enough money for their children but no time to look after them.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

Really todays parents are striving for their children which is not at all good .

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