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That's a possibility and need to be very vigilant on this!
That's a possibility and need to be very vigilant on this!
It is necessary to help children gain practical experience of every aspect of life. Financial management is one such aspect. Pocket money helps children to gain experience in finance management from very childhood. The parents should however take care that pocket money is not too much and is sufficient for child's genuine needs.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

That's a good point,Gulshan!The only thing that has to be ensured is some kind of control over their spending.
Yes,Children need to know about financial management.They should learn from their early ages that just earning money is not enough, a proper plan to save it and multiply it is essential for a safe and a happy living.I think now a days children are very smart.
Not only children all should know financial management.If parents know it children will get pocket money only according to it.

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