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Abid Areacode wrote:
[quote]The caste system still exist in Independent India???Horrible to hear this news.[/quote]

Abid- when did caste system end?. Caste system or Varna system consisting of Brahmins, Khashtriya, Vaish and shudra is integral part of Hindu religion. Even mahatma gandhi or congress never aimed or attempted to end the caste system. All that Mahatma Gandhi did was to end untouchability. He tried to make the condition of so called 'shudra' a bit less intolerable. He also renamed them as 'Harijan'. such renaming is of no help to any one. Dr. Ambedkar was sure that caste system could not be eliminated from Hindu religion. so, he advised them to follow Budhism.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

Our social reformers tried their best to eliminate this degrading caste system with limited success and its existence so deep in our psyche that I have come across some educated people retaining their casteist mindset intact!
Violence based on caste is still going on in Independent India.. and this case is really very common in backward places.Rape is even done in other countries for different reasons but due to caste problem it is really very bad situation..
All our main political parties should also be blamed in perpetuating this system!Their leaders preach against it but practise casteism of the worst kind to win elections!
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