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14 years ago
Swamiji could understand the working of what you call 'CPU' without even seeing one!!!!
Swamiji could understand the working of what you call 'CPU' without even seeing one!!!!
14 years ago
chinmoymukherjee wrote:
Swamiji could understand the working of what you call 'CPU' without even seeing one!!!![/quote]
Chinmoy- Definitely, I am not comparable to Swamiji, who was world renowned genius and had finest qualities of head, heart and mind. I write only from my limited capability. But we should think independently and for our own opinions despite our limited brain power.
Swamiji could understand the working of what you call 'CPU' without even seeing one!!!![/quote]
Chinmoy- Definitely, I am not comparable to Swamiji, who was world renowned genius and had finest qualities of head, heart and mind. I write only from my limited capability. But we should think independently and for our own opinions despite our limited brain power.
G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant
14 years ago
No doubt about it that we should have a probing mind and develop our independent intellectual personalities but when we reach the limits, the words of sages and savant do open new vistas for us!
No doubt about it that we should have a probing mind and develop our independent intellectual personalities but when we reach the limits, the words of sages and savant do open new vistas for us!
14 years ago
I agree with you Chinmoy.Swamiji is an spiritual intellectual who had a great command over knowledge. :) :)
Thanks for your views Gulshan. :)
Thanks for your views Gulshan. :)
14 years ago
We have got to accept our limitations and look to great minds who have the courage and convictions to think differently which is beyond us!
14 years ago
What you said is true ,Chinmoy.Thanks for sharing your views. :) :)
14 years ago
chinmoymukherjee wrote:
No doubt about it that we should have a probing mind and develop our independent intellectual personalities but when we reach the limits, the words of sages and savant do open new vistas for us![/quote]
I agree. We should be responsive to all. The words of sages and leading thinkers/ philosophers always enrich our thoughts.
No doubt about it that we should have a probing mind and develop our independent intellectual personalities but when we reach the limits, the words of sages and savant do open new vistas for us![/quote]
I agree. We should be responsive to all. The words of sages and leading thinkers/ philosophers always enrich our thoughts.
G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant
14 years ago
Thanks Gulshan! Our respective views have finally converged to this point of agreement!!
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