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Americans expected more from him and he couldn't raise to their expectations.

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The whole problem stemmed from his predecessor's gross mishandling of the situation.George Bush launched a futile and thoroughly ill-advised and costly war against Iraq and managed the US economy horribly and Obama is struggling to come to terms with these!
I agree with Chinmoy's statement...

I think it is easy to destroy good relationship within second but to gain back the relation it is not so is the case of Bush and has destroy and the other is try to gain it back..
:) :)
I think he is is really in a very bad situation.. :(
He has inherited a lot of baggage of mess from his predecessors, its to early to be making a judgement against him!

"I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally."
- W. C. Fields :)

In many situations leaders loose popularity after elections.But he used the technology 100% for this campaigns during elections.
As Abid said,When expectations become more it is difficult to satisfy all of them.
It is early to discuss about 2012. People are bound to change opinions.He may improve his performance unless there is another recession or economic downturn
Yes, it is true Priya. Let us wait and watch for some more months. But people really expected more actions from him to set right the recession. :)
What people expect is an overnight miracle from him, which is highly impossible!! It would be prudent to let some time pass before making a judgement on him!

"I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally."
- W. C. Fields :)

It does go to the credit of Prez Obama that he has restored some sanity in the States after his predecessor made a horrible mess of things!
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