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Hi harish

I have done it. do not worry more about it. I am your opposition party yaar..... so it will happen some times..

Santosh Kumar Singh


Hello Santosh Kumar Singh,

We are neither enemies nor are the people from opposite parties...
We are all members of one single community named Boddunan... and are friends...
We, hailing from computer literate category, are expected to be sincere to our job...
We should keep away from spamming, being copycats and resorting to unfair practices...
We should be broadminded to accept our mistakes if we commit...
We should support those who take up missions that are good for the internet users and for Boddunan...
We should remember that BAD is BAD...

- Harish Jharia

Harish Jharia
Yes, Harish is doing a good job.. In future, members too should be more careful and work with honesty..
I agree with harish...
When we make boddunan full of copied contents,the site's credibility is decreasing...

And for all members,
We should stay here as friends.Why we are becoming enemies?
that's not a good practise...

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It is a service to the site to keep it clean of malpractices like copying from other sites. As there are so many complaints of this sort, I suggest there should be seperate category totled 'malpractices reporting'. The members reporting such copied matter should get five points for each correct reporting.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

Hello Sridevi, Jobin

Thanks for your support for the mission that is aimed for uplifting the image of Boddunan.
If the image of Boddunan is enhanced than the image and prestige of all of us members will also shoot up.
Lt us make a clean and decent environment on boddunan.

- Harish Jharia

Harish Jharia
Harish Jharia wrote:
[quote]Hello Santosh Kumar Singh,

As you have rightly said I am making enemies by reporting such cases.Yet, I believe that I will make comparatively more friends and enemies will be in rock bottom minority.

Please, see my articles I am regularly submitting. I believe you will be satisfied with my work.[/quote]

I feel that there is nothing wrong in pointing out the possible errors-be it a simple grammatical error or the genuineness of an article.Good job Harish!! :cheer:

I feel it is wrong for someone to get their article valued when they've not spent even a few minutes authoring the article :angry:

*Imagination encircles the world *
Thanks for pointing out the fake coins of Boddunan.They may get irritated, but they must think that situation in advance

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Hi Harish Jharia

I think you are good person and do right job keep it up but in your job do not try to heart anyone on forum just its my request you direct report to main person of boddunan.

to posting on forum and exposing person is not good things.

otherwise we all are friend. and after my bad sentence for you i see your behaviour for me is good that you are nice person .

so do not heart.

keep it up.

Santosh Kumar Singh


Hello Harish, you are doing a wonderful job, but as Maverick commented on one of your forums, it is better to send those to the Support team or else the Forums will be full with these things as there is nothing to comment on it as obviously everyone will agree with you for doing a great job.
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