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Thanks Chinmoy for floating this thread to share our experiences with Boddunan. :) :)
It is a different experience that we get here.That is why many stick on here itself.

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That is very true Abid! It's an altogether different ambience here!
I think there are many site meant earning money...but the unique thing we can get in Boddunan is the knowledge as well as money..which is mostly now found in other sites...

i especially like the good and health discussions which do not hurt the feeling of any one.. many sites do not remove hatred and abusing comments even after reporting..But in Boddunan first of all the need for Report Abuse facility do not come at most of the member are very positive in thoughts...or just give their opinion...without hurt others..

And also if someone do any mistake the correcting nature is very nice as this will improve our English skills...It is complete learning environment..

I think this is great opputunity to express or thanks to this site and all the members associated in designing the site in user-friendly way..

I also thank Chinmoy for creating this thread ... :)
Very detailed and nice reply,Rajani! You are absolutely correct that here the stress is on maintaining very healthy relationship among members.I know a few professional sites where elderly people are engaged in bitter fights abusing one another coming under the influence of individual ego but here every member is very conscious of it to uphold good standards of courteous and ethical conduct and we have a duty to keep this environment clean and warm!
I think there is no ego in any member of this site.Probably that may be the strength of this.

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That's a point well-made Abid!I think that may be the possible reason behind some new and young members becoming very good friends and enthusiastic participants!
nagalakshmi.karunanidhi wrote:
[quote]I feel that apart from the concept of sharing knowledge all members of Boddunan interact with each other in a healthy and a positive manner and it is more or less like a family.[/quote]

yes nagalakshmi i agree with you....inspite of not knowing each other personally,,,we are still like a family...

thanks chinmoy for creating this wonderful thread...
Very good to see the feelings and intentions of all regarding this site... :)

Good initiation Chinmoy... :)

Thanks 'n' Regards,
Thanks..I just expressed what came out from the heart .... :)
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