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He has not, He posted this thread once he was taking rest in forest!
May be he is on his way from South to North!! We have to wait!!!
No friends!! I didn't go anywhere but I was in NEWS. :dry:
:woohoo: :woohoo: :laugh: :laugh:
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Software Engineers never die...They just go offline.
Hmm! It seems news and you follow each other! You are always present in the forum even in your absence!!
Kumaresh, Do you really mean news or your walking towards the directions(North,East,West,South)? :P :P
He has been moving in all directions simulataneously!!!!
Hope tree does not fall on your head kumaresh!
Hey!! Nagalakshmi jee!! How u know about it? do u possess some divine powers.

Yes Chinmoy!
I was circulating in all the directions. :)

No Sajeetharan! Tree didn't fall on me, but I fell on tree.
What a great discussion my dear friends have done!! In between it lost direction but thanks to Kavitha who brought it on path!!

Software Engineers never die...They just go offline.
Kumaresh now lets now your opinion on your have make all of us wander around the forest in different directions.. :lol: :)
Yes, Kumaresh everybody is answering on different direction, because we didn't get the point of
Why do tree is falling itself, and How did you know that tree is falling...

:) :) :)
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